Those of you who’ve been working at least long enough to remember SIMV weans may recognize this publication as a welcomed blast from the past. For our new readers we hope that this serves as a useful means of communication about our profession, especially in regards to its practice in New York State.

We had a busy year in 2016. Our Board of Directors members who came onboard in January are almost a year into their terms. Check out our new logo! We built this whole new website which launched earlier this month. You can even now follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. What a brave new world!

The Society continues to hold meetings and continuing education symposiums across the state. We are representing you and lobbying for the profession in both Albany and Washington. There’s a lot going on and I encourage you to read more. If you find yourself intrigued, we are always looking for fresh faces and new ideas. Consider joining us at an upcoming meeting or simply contact one of the Board members to find out how you can get more involved.

Welcome fellow members!

Read the December 2016 “Minute Volume.”

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